User Experience Design & Review

Creating an easy to use experience with style

Man of Parts

Man of Parts

A person of many talents and endeavours, a Man of Parts is free to explore, question, and evolve. No longer constrained by borders, styles, or roles, they seek out a diversity of perspectives.

Man of Parts is a postnational brand with design that reflects the world, enabling it to flow between the varied contexts you create with ease. We’re open-minded by design.

The Challenge

With a growing list of high-end international showrooms and distribution channels, Man of Parts needed an online presence that catered to their wide range of clientele, while upholding the polish of the brand.

High impact visuals needed to be seamlessly integrated with contextual details for 3 separate user segments. Easy to use for repeat users, while still keeping that wow factor for clients visiting for the first time.

Our Approach

GLK was brought in to assess the current online model, determine gaps in the user experience, and recommend UX and UI changes. We put together a detailed report, including a breakdown of user segments and highlighted any areas in the UX that could be improved, working with their internal development team to execute. The updated website will be online shortly.


A Man of Parts thinks of time as the most desirable luxury. There is no need for craft to be stuck in the past, so they provide civil, considerate, and swift service.

One of the biggest challenges for GLK revolved around tweaking the UI so that all 3 user segments could quickly and easily achieve their goals. As an added layer of complexity – big, bold images needed to be showcased like a glossy magazine, while maintaining a hierarchy of content, context and functionality.

Transforming the Man of Parts home page.

Digging a little deeper

A Man of Parts never needs to shout to be heard. Designed with cohesion in mind, our products reveal their stand-out attributes over time and fit within whatever context you create.

After doing a complete analysis of the current website, we were able to narrow in on user pain points and behind the scenes complications. We compiled a complete report highlighting areas for improvement followed by a set of recommendations.

Once the assessment was completed, we put together wireframes with our recommended improvements that would translate across a variety of devices and screen types – but most importantly addressed the needs of all user segments.

Man of Parts - Analysis Report
Man of Parts - About